产品分类Product Categories
精美餐具/fine tableware

木/wooden 搪瓷/enamel 陶瓷/porcelain 玻璃/glass

风灯/storm lamp

木/wooden 铁/iron

油灯/oil lamp


木/wooden 铁/iron 马赛克/mosaic 树脂/resin 陶瓷/porcelain


落地灯/floor lamp 台灯/reading lamp 小夜灯/little night lamp LED工艺灯/LED craft lamp

仿古书盒/imitation of ancient book

储物盒/storing box 书挡/book-end 纸巾盒/box of paper towel 储物柜/cupboard

音乐盒/music box

相架/photo frame

木/wooden 马赛克/mosaic 树脂/resin 铁/iron 水晶/crystal

相册/photo album


树脂/resin 铁/iron 布/made of fabric 木/wooden


猫/cat 鱼/fish 鸟/bird 鸡/chicken 蛙/frog 兔/rabbit 马/horse 鹿/deer 鸭/duck 其它/others

风铃/wind chime

木/wooden 铁/iron 水晶/crystal 贝壳/shell 陶瓷/porcelain 树脂/resin

西班牙炭火木艺/Wooden Spanish charcoal fire handicraft

树脂类/made of resin

动物/animal 挂钩/hook 首饰架/jewellery holder 花插/flower pad 挂饰/pendent decoration 储蓄罐/savings jar 摆设/furnishing 笔筒/pen container 书档/bookend 果盘/fruit plate 日历/calendar 挂画/picture 储物罐/storing jar 名片夹/name card binder 酒架/wine frame 挂牌/hang tag 纸巾架/frame of paper towel

陶瓷类/made of porcelain

动物/animal 花插/flower pad 摆设/furnishing 储物罐/storing jar 果盘/fruit plate 储蓄罐/savings jar


木/wooden 铁/iron 树脂/resin 布/fabric 亚克力/plastic 铁艺闹钟/alarm clock(iron materials)

船/boat & ship


木/wooden 树脂/resin

手工编/woven by manual

精致纸制品/refined made of paper

记事本/note book 明信片/postcard 贺卡/greeting card 书签/book mark 便签纸/note paper 其它/others

布艺/made of fabric

挂饰/pendent decoration 门档/door blocking 卡通/cartoon 袋/bag 靠垫/cushion 储物盒/storing box

铁艺/made of iron

挂钩/hook 挂牌/ hang tag 花插/flower pad 洒水壶/watering pot 铃铛/bell 储物盒/storing box 摆设/furnishing 置物架/putting frame 挂架/hang frame 桌椅/table & chair 动物/animal 鸟笼/bird cage 纸巾架/frame of paper towel 书档/bookend 绳架/rope frame 小黑板/blackboard 储物筐/storing basket 挂饰/pendent decoration 挂画/picture 信箱/mail box 滑轮/pulley 其它/others 笔筒/container

木艺/made by wood

挂饰/pendent decoration 钥匙盒/key box 储蓄罐/savings jar 挂钩/hook 挂架/hang frame 储物柜/cupboard 储物盒/storing box 花插/flower pad 托盘/serving tray 小木房/wooden house 日历/calendar 笔筒/pen container 储物车/storing car 置物架/putting frame 杯垫/cup mat 纸巾盒/box of paper towel 挂画/picture 灯塔/beacon 小黑板/blackboard 书档/bookend 摆设/furnishing 储物箱/storing case 纸巾架/ frame of paper towel 名片夹/name card binder 绳式挂夹/rope style hang binder 首饰架/jewellery holder 屏风/screen 储物桶/storing pail 储物凳/storing stool 关节人/joint person 提篮/hand basket 凳子/stool 桌子/table 其它/others


扑克牌/playing cards 石磨/millstones 冰箱贴/magnet label of fridge 蜡烛/candle 烟灰缸/ashtray 沙漏/sandglass 工具/tool 地球仪/terrestrial globe 香薰干花/fragrance dried flower 漂流瓶/floating bottle 吊篮/hang flower basket

清仓产品/discount commodities

1元清货/1 yuan discount commodities 2元清货/2 yuan discount commodities 4元清货/4 yuan discount commodities 6元清货/6 yuan discount commodities 8元清货/8 yuan discount commodities 10元清货/10 yuan discount commodities 20元清货/20 yuan discount commodities 25元清货/25 yuan discount commodities 30元清货/30 yuan discount commodities 35元清货/35 yuan discount commodities 40元清货/40 yuan discount commodities 45元清货/45 yuan discount commodities 50元清货/50 yuan discount commodities 60元清货/60yuan discount commodities 70元清货/70 yuan discount commodities 80元清货/80 yuan discount commodities 90元清货/90 yuan discount commodities 100元清货/100 yuan discount commodities 130元清货/130 yuan discount commodities 310元清货/310 yuan discount commodities 210元清货/210 yuan discount commodities 15元清货/15 yuan discount commodities 260元清货/260 yuan discount commodities

产品展示Products Show
型号/Item No.:ZA1448A-1
装箱数/Qty.per ctn:12PCS
产品分类/Category:木艺/made by wood - 挂饰/pendent decoration
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